Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha's Seven Powerful Laws of Success

In this day and age, to be a big gun and hit the big time, you must know these seven powerful laws of success and apply them to your life to sit pretty and be on top of the world.

Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha's Law of Solid-foundation:
The height you will attain in life is determined by the kind of foundation you have. Success is a process; a faulty process yields a faulty result. It is unfortunate that people ignore this irrefutable law of success and on their way to up you see them crash to the ground. Make your foundation firm; it should be as solid as a rock and you must reinforce it daily for it to carry you through. The quality of a foundation influences the durability of the structure built on it. This law helps you take the rightful steps, hit the mark and make things come up roses for you. Your foundation must be firmly founded!

Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha's Law of Uniqueness:
To be a name to conjure with, you must stand out from the crowd by discovering your uniquity which lightens your unicity and inspires others to be their unique-selves. You are the choicest of the best, wonderfully and uniquely pottered by the Almighty master-craftsman. You are peculiar and purposefully empowered to fulfill a great purpose. Maximize your strengths and work on your weaknesses. There's no competition in destiny, the only competitor you have is you. Be the best you! The oneness of your uniqueness is beyond compare. I honor your specialness and uniqueness!

Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha's Law of Law of Conviction:
To be flushed with succeeding in accordance with your desires, you must be firmly convinced, passionate and assured in the realization of your goal. People will only believe in your cause when you wholeheartedly believe in it and go the extra mile to make it a success. Conviction is the mother of commitment. You must develop unwavering certainty, belief and certitude in the course you follow. Have conviction in the reality of whom you are, have great confidence in your ability to come up in the world. Maximize the power of your intelligent ignorance – the ability of not knowing any limitation. The conviction that my works will bless lives makes me passionate to do my best at all times. Passion ignites the fire within you and conviction keeps it burning and shining forth. Conviction is the passport you need to go from strength to strength in the pursuit of your passion and make great strides.

Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha's Law of Commitment:
The key to being a success in what you do is to be fully committed to it. This is an indispensable secret to becoming successful in life. You become whatever you are committed and dedicated to. I define commitment as the act of following on course a given cause until the goal is achieved. It enables you to deal with excuses and procrastination. Commitment is a choice; it is not dependent on your gifting. I have discovered that when we are passionately committed to something, we accept no excuses but results even when it is not convenient. Your commitment to move mountains and live a life of riley will bring you to the state of being over the moon.

Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha's Law of Excellence:
To be totally fulfilled, excellence must be your desired end. To be a phenomenal and highly respected person excellence should be your focus and watchword in whatever you do. Always go for the best, never settle for less. One truth you must know is that people may forget how fast you did a job but they will never forget how well you did the work. Dedication to a vision and mission is an essential ingredient for success in any cause. Excellence is never achieved by accident; it is the result of always thriving to do better. It is what distinguishes meteority from mediocrity; it rekindles the fire in your sixth sense to come up with mind blowing and earth shaking ideas that are a match for anywhere. You can be an island of excellence in the sea of mediocrity. His Excellency! I salute the greatness in you.

Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha's Law of Seeing:
What you see is what you get. To see correctly, you must see with your minds–eye – this is your creative and intuitive eye. Bring to play your hindsight and your foresight and use them to command your favorable circumstance. Successful people see success where others see failure. See rightly to make good and make the grade to move heaven and earth. In this golden age, your sight must be worlds apart and help you put your best foot forward. See the best and get the best in life. If you can conceive it, believe it, see and accept it then you can receive it.

Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha's Law of Sacrifice:
Success requires sacrifice. To enjoy success and enjoy rich fulfillment, you must sacrifice your time, ability and resources to attain your desired end. Nothing is free even in Freetown. To get a prize, you must pay a price. Those who want something for nothing always get packages full of regrets. Success demands sacrifice. It is a continuous process, not just a one-time stuff. Successful people sacrifice the comfort of what is good in order to get the best. To rise to higher height and live the forward and upward life you must give up to go up. Blue chip companies that are ruling the world today paid great prices to get geniuses and pay them handsomely to run their companies. Leaders, who are doing well in this day and age, pay the price of humility to synergize and mastermind with other great leaders to achieve greater results. Render good services to humanity and divinity. Policies may change but principals do not. Adherence to these seven powerful laws of success will put your life on the up and up. You have a life; make a success of it.

© Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha

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